Most Expensive Toilet Ever!

Monday, July 9 Leave a Comment

So apparently NASA has agreed to purchase toilet technology from the Russian company RSC Energia for the tidy sum of $19 million, to be delivered to the ISS in 2008 in preparation for a crew upsizing from three to six members. The previous system required that urine tanks be transfered to cargo ships and burned up in the Earth's atmosphere, but the new toilets operate like a waste treatment center on Earth, collecting and reconstituting urine as drinking water -- an unpleasant concept for a number of our readers, but a welcome relief for thirsty astronauts. The toilets are similar to normal models, though they employ leg restraints and thigh bars to hold the "user" in place, and high-powered fans to suck, um... waste into the commode. The system will be installed on the American side of the station, while the Russian-side will remain as is, resulting in extremely long lines to use the "good" bathroom.

p/s: yang tak boleh nak terima dek aku ialah diaorang boleh recycle air kencing & berak tu jadik air semula untuk diminum! eeeuuu.. yucks!


  • Jobove - Reus said:  

    please visit blog, thank you

  • Aiden Reez said:  


    Orang cakap, makin tinggi sesuatu teknologi, makin terkebelakang tamadun manusia tu... Entah, aku tak tahu betul ke idak...

    Bagi aku, teknologi dicipta utk memudahkan, bukan memudaratkan atau menyusahkan...

    Aku rasa kes macam ni bukan ape Jun... Kat angkasa tu memang darurat abis...

    Sekali minum, air keluar, takde yang boleh diguna semula untuk diminum... Tu pasal dia orang terpaksa minum air dari air kencing sendiri (yang diproses)...


    Kalau aku, tak sanggup! Tu pasal aku tak jadi angkasawan...


  • Anonymous said:  

    gile ah! nak recycle balik? haha. hilang akal ke ape?

  • Anonymous said:  

    errr..bkn air yg skrg kita guna ni recycle gak ke..cuma xde la ketara sgt kan...